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NuLine Insurance Services

NuLine Insurance Services is dedicated to finding you the right insurance to insure your growth. We provide quality auto, home, business, and ag insurance.

Showing all posts tagged "Nuline Insurance"

Claim Corner

It’s been a scary topic in the headlines recently. The "silent killer." If you are like myself, you had never heard of this fatal topic in the boating realm. Carbon monoxide can be a silent killer on houseboats and other recreational vessels. Each year, boaters are injured or killed by preventable carbon monoxide poisoning. Boaters have been poisoned by carbon monoxide in situations such as while setting fishing lines or performing maintenance on their boats while the engine is running. Boats are particularly susceptible to high levels of CO due to their close quarters, limited ventilation and potential for exhaust leaks. CO can accumulate in deadly concentrations behind ski boats, especially when protective coverings are used and the boat is underway. Results show that even sitting on a ski boat swim deck while an engine is running could be fatal. Exposure to engine exhaust can cause a skier or swimmer to faint and ultimately drown. This can happen on boats, with carbon monoxide building up around a swim deck or when boats are traveling at slow speeds, like when wake boarding and wake surfing. The direction of the wind can also affect it. Carbon monoxide does not have a smell, it does not have a taste, it has no color, no form, you can’t detect it with any of the human senses, it requires electronics to be able to determine whether or not it is present. There are many ways to protect your family from the dangers of CO.
1. Use a marine carbon monoxide detector. These work like smoke alarms in a house. They sense the levels of CO and emit a load siren.
2. Ensure proper ventilation. Open hatches and windows in a cabin and also be aware that carbon monoxide can collect under a canopy.
3. Inspect exhaust system regularly. Look and listen for leaks in the exhaust system.
4. Avoid the Transom. The transom is where carbon monoxide collects. Stay away from the transom while the vessel is idling or underway. Also, avoid other idling vessels.
The CDC says every year more than 400 people in America die from unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning.
Symptoms of CO poisoning may include severe headache, dizziness, confusion, nausea, fainting, and death. Low levels are even dangerous causing shortness of breath, mild nausea and a headache. If you suspect CO poisoning, immediately get the victim to fresh air and see medical care.

You don’t need it, until you need it

By Amy Streifel
Have you had the thought that you should consider obtaining some life insurance? Why not find out what it would cost to protect your loved ones! Our life insurance specialist, Katie Fegley, is full of all sorts of knowledge. I can usually rattle off any question and she knows the answer. She just wasn't sure how I could get my boyfriend to up his life insurance and add me to it. Oh well. For a long time life insurance didn't mean much to me. I really didn't know what it all covered and thought it was something just for funerals. I also thought life insurance was just a big payout if your husband dies mysteriously...There are a lot of misconceptions about life insurance. A big myth is that life insurance is not available if you have a pre-existing condition. That is simply untrue. There is a life insurance plan out there for virtually anyone. We encourage people to check anyway, you’d be surprised at how affordable it can be! …………….
Even if you think there might not be something available for you, Katie our life specialist, and did I mention award winning agent, can find a plan that’s right for you! Maybe you already have a policy through work? Remember that generally you cannot take those with you should you leave your employer. 50% of people overestimate the total costs associated with life insurance. The best time is NOW! Katie is ready to provide you with a quote so you can find out how affordable it really is and worthwhile!
How life insurance can help protect your family financially:
Þ Pay for funeral costs
Þ Pay the bills
Þ Pay off outstanding debt, ie. mortgage, credit cards,
cars, student loans, etc.
Þ Continue a family business
Þ Finance your children's education
Þ Protect spouse’s retirement plans
Þ Tax saving purpose
Þ Source of Saving
Þ Peace of mind

Business Spotlight

"We are a group of people who came together to give Harvey a restaurant," said Melissa Faul when I asked her what she wanted the people to know about Hometown Tavern. This new restaurant has a dynamic model with a rotation of cooks in the back throughout the week, but each person involved had an intense urgency to make this happen! The nightly menus look something like this:
Mondays are Burger Nights with Melissa & Kennedy there to visit with!
Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays – Just Good BBQ is preparing the cuisine.
Wednesdays features our well-known cook, the fabulous -Jess.
Saturdays is a fine dining experience with Scott Fronk .
Sundays are always a Fun Menu Surprise with Melissa & Kennedy.
They are open from 4-8 PM for dinner, but they also have breakfast Monday – Friday 7-10 AM with Amy Bollingberg!
This model is unique, and it is working because people are finding a balance, and they are not burning themselves out. They keep it fun & light as they bring honor to Old Harvey from the inside out! Be sure to stop in, check out their photos of Old Harvey while you enjoy the food & company.

Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? …. I mean Michelle!

Some of you may have heard that Michelle’s family moved to Minot, but the good news is she’s still here, doing her same job as she has been for the past 11 years! The only thing that’s moved is her office Minot that is. Michelle is still with NuLine and still servicing her clients as before! She is available by calling the Harvey office or by calling her direct at 701-852-4500. Her new office is located downtown Minot at 24 1st St NE. She also has our crop agent, Katie Fegley in the office there. If you are in the area, stop in and say hello!

It’s National Insurance Awareness Month!

By Amy Streifel
Don’t get too excited people. We don’t get a fancy holiday or even a day off. National Insurance Month is merely just there for us to observe. Now, if our boss gave us the day off, it would be June 28th to be precise (hint, hint Chad). What does this day mean? It is really just a reminder. A reminder that anything can happen and to be prepared for an emergency. We are entering into the season with the most claim activity. Summer is the time of year where there are a lot more potential risks. We see claims such as, weather claims, fire by lightening, grilling accidents, fireworks damage, and the list goes on. The point is, you can never be too prepared for tragedy to strike. Fires. They are one of the most destructive risks. Some things to think about, does your family have a fire escape plan? What would you do if your family has a fire or a tornado warning. In the moment there is so much to think about and having a plan in place would be one less worry. Do you have your important documents and valuables in a safe? Also, having the correct coverages on your insurance policy will save you a big headache, and financial loss. It is vital to have your home and buildings covered correctly if you should lose them to a fire. Some things to ask yourself, does your family have a severe weather plan in place. Do your kids know where to go and what to do if a storm popped up quickly or if the house was on fire? Bad weather can strike at a moments notice and you may not have time to put a plan together. Wind, lightening and hail are very common this time of year. Your home and vehicles and even your businesses are also at risk, and again, having the correct coverages makes all the difference in these times of tragedy.
In the summer, we see a number of claims not due to nature, but due to unforeseen accidents by our customers. Anytime you are working with fire, whether it be grilling at a BBQ or lighting off fireworks it’s a risk. You never think something bad could happen until it does. Does your family know where emergency supplies are in case something does happen?
Summertime is a time for traveling, which also presents many risks in itself. Car accidents and boating accidents are at an all time high in the summer. Do you feel comfortable with the coverages on your vehicles and summer toys?
We are here to help you. We always want to make sure you have coverage for the what ifs. Talk to your agent and find out if you are prepared.

You can drive just about anything on the road…..cant you?

By Amy Streifel
Recently I was driving down our local Main Street and I got caught behind a moped. There were two girls riding and beeping and waving and not looking very safe. They weren't paying attention and I laid on my horn. I probably would have done the same thing at their age, but now I had to be a responsible adult. One of the girls turned around and waved… daughter, I should have known. Number one, she doesn't own a moped. Number two, doesn't she need a license for that or at the very least, a helmet? Shortly after that, I see a scooter go by with more teenagers on it. What exactly are the rules of these types of vehicles? It is more and more common to see ATVS and scooters cruising the streets. They are becoming more common on college campuses as well. After some research, I learned, to use paved roads, the vehicle must be able to travel 30mph or faster, lights must always remain on and the driver must have a valid license or permit. No license is required to operate any vehicle that is not on a public roadway. So where do mopeds and scoots fall from an insurance stand point?
Scooters fall under the same umbrella as motorcycle insurance and most states require some form of insurance for scooters with an engine of 50cc or higher. Electric bikes or E-bikes are also a growing trend, especially in larger cities. E-bikes generally have limited to no coverage under a standard homeowners or renters insurance policy because they're categorized as a motorized vehicle. If you own and ride an e-bike, you'll need a policy designed for e-bikes to be covered, which may include an e-bike insurance policy or in some cases, a motorcycle policy. Talk to your agent to find out the right choice for you. Either way, if you are driving on the street, you must have valid liability insurance!

Business Spotlight

Look, a landmark! Oh wait, it’s just a farmer’s building remind us where to turn…I cannot be the only one who uses the cues "turn left at the huge yellow shop." My husband would roll his eyes and ask me if I learned my cardinal directions, but I’ve come this far using landmarks… Anyways, because I am so great at giving directions, Moravian Builders, LLC decided they should help me out by building some post frame buildings all over North Dakota! Mirek and his team have been building industrial and agriculture buildings for over 5 years now.
They can construct cold storage buildings, or a heated shop. When I asked Mirek how far he would travel for a project, he answered saying this job has surprised him with the opportunity to see every corner of our beautiful state! They love to keep it local, but some projects are just a little too far from home. This crew of 6-8 people is typically booked out by the season, so some projects are a year ahead in the calendar. If you want to learn more, you can find Moravian Builders, LLC on Facebook or you could call Mirek at 570-994-3675 for more information.

Recipe of the Month

Pineapple Shrimp Fried Rice
2 Tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoons sesame oil
1 pound shrimp
Salt and pepper
2 bell peppers diced
1/2 cup chopped green onion
2 cloves garlic minced
1 can pineapple chunks, or fresh!
2 cups leftover rice
3 Tablespoons soy sauce
2 Tablespoons pineapple juice
You will heat a large skillet over medium heat and add half of your olive oil and half of you sesame oil to the pan. Once the oil is hot, add your raw shrimp. Salt and pepper to taste and cook for one minute per side. Remove the shrimp into a bowl and set aside for now. Add the reimaging olive oil to the skillet and add the bell peppers. Cook and stir for 2 min until soft, then add in your sliced green onions and garlic. Next, add your leftover rice to the pan, stir gently, then spread the rice into a single layer. Cook the rice for 2-3 min. Then, mix in your pineapple chunks and sauce mixture and return the shrimp to the pan. Serve immediately!

Claim Corner

April is National Pet Month and it’s time to think about those fur babies...your pets of course! We know your pets are family. When they get sick or injured, it can be a stressful time. That’s where pet insurance comes in. It can help by covering some of the costs of your pet’s covered and approved vet bills. Pet insurance, however, does not cover everything. Our insured came in a while back which stiches along his jawline. I knew it had to be either a facelift or a dog bite. He had attempted to move his dog away from him while he slept and his puppy snapped at him unfortunately, ending with a trip to the emergency room. Our insured still lived at home with his parents but had his own renters policy. So who pays for the doctor bill? When it comes to pets and you are the owner, coverage does not apply to you if you are a household member. If our insured’s dog would of bit a guest, his homeowners liability insurance coverage would have taken effect. It is also worth noting, the pet damage does not have to happen in your home. It can be at another location and your insurer will generally pay the victims medical bills plus any legal expenses, up to the limits of your policy. Pet insurance can be purchased in addition so you are more fully covered if your furry companion needs medical attention.
Pet insurance may include the following:
· Accidents and illness Diagnostic testing/X rays
· Vet-prescribed medication Alternative therapies
· Surgeries/hospitalizations and emergency car

Why are Rates Climbing?

By Amy Streifel
There are many shortcuts in life. We use them everyday in different aspects, but mostly to gain something. You can gain time when you take a shortcut on a road. You can gain quantity by adding broth to make more soup. (Thanks mom). I look for shortcuts all the time. In the grocery store, I buy a different brand as a money shortcut. So naturally, I look for shortcuts on my insurance. Are there any? Sure, but is it really a shortcut in the long run? In my experience, it never pays to skimp on your insurance. I’d like to make a shoutout to my kids. Without them, I would never have any examples to share with our customers. Case in point, recently I saw the rate increase on my own auto insurance and thought I would drop some coverage as a way to save money. A few weeks later, my lovely daughter, in an attempt to save a kitten from getting run over, swerved and hit another vehicle. The joke was on me. I could not put in a claim because I dropped coverages as a shortcut to save money. But at least that kitten lived another day. As an independent agent, we work with a lot different carriers and are seeing the changes across the board with our different policies. We are seeing anywhere from 9-20% as a normal average increase. What is driving the rate increases? The cost to rebuild homes is up dramatically due to the rising cost of materials and labor. Carriers simply can’t survive paying these higher prices without charging more themselves. The cost of home repairs is not the only thing increasing. The cost to repair your car is up 20%! This is due to the rising cost of auto parts and labor to fix cars. In addition, vehicle parts now include more technology features, which are harder and more expensive to repair.
So, what can we do? The good news in all this is there definitely are things we can do to offset the increasing prices of insurance. Almost every insurance company has discounts. You can get discounts such as good students, defensive driving course discounts, paperless discounts, safe driving discounts and more. Another big way you can save money is to increase your deductible. I have seen people save hundreds of dollars just by increasing a home or auto deductible.
Here are some more ways to save:
Þ Maintain a good driving record. Those claims and tickets affect your premium and can even limit which companies will accept your insurance.
Þ Explore payments options-there are discounts for paying in full
Þ Improve your credit score-your score has an impact on your premium
Þ Bundle your policies-another way to get a discount
Þ Learn how to save with teen drivers-if they get a good grades, you get is discount
Þ Participate in low-mileage driving programs
Þ Compare auto insurance quotes. At Nuline we are always watching for the best rates, but if you are unsure, just ask! We have several carriers and are happy to check them for you!
Þ The types of vehicles you drive are more or less expensive depending on the type and what safety features it has. It’s good practice to check out the insurance rate before you buy.