It’s National Insurance Awareness Month!

By Amy Streifel
Don’t get too excited people. We don’t get a fancy holiday or even a day off. National Insurance Month is merely just there for us to observe. Now, if our boss gave us the day off, it would be June 28th to be precise (hint, hint Chad). What does this day mean? It is really just a reminder. A reminder that anything can happen and to be prepared for an emergency. We are entering into the season with the most claim activity. Summer is the time of year where there are a lot more potential risks. We see claims such as, weather claims, fire by lightening, grilling accidents, fireworks damage, and the list goes on. The point is, you can never be too prepared for tragedy to strike. Fires. They are one of the most destructive risks. Some things to think about, does your family have a fire escape plan? What would you do if your family has a fire or a tornado warning. In the moment there is so much to think about and having a plan in place would be one less worry. Do you have your important documents and valuables in a safe? Also, having the correct coverages on your insurance policy will save you a big headache, and financial loss. It is vital to have your home and buildings covered correctly if you should lose them to a fire. Some things to ask yourself, does your family have a severe weather plan in place. Do your kids know where to go and what to do if a storm popped up quickly or if the house was on fire? Bad weather can strike at a moments notice and you may not have time to put a plan together. Wind, lightening and hail are very common this time of year. Your home and vehicles and even your businesses are also at risk, and again, having the correct coverages makes all the difference in these times of tragedy.
In the summer, we see a number of claims not due to nature, but due to unforeseen accidents by our customers. Anytime you are working with fire, whether it be grilling at a BBQ or lighting off fireworks it’s a risk. You never think something bad could happen until it does. Does your family know where emergency supplies are in case something does happen?
Summertime is a time for traveling, which also presents many risks in itself. Car accidents and boating accidents are at an all time high in the summer. Do you feel comfortable with the coverages on your vehicles and summer toys?
We are here to help you. We always want to make sure you have coverage for the what ifs. Talk to your agent and find out if you are prepared.