You don’t need it, until you need it

By Amy Streifel
Have you had the thought that you should consider obtaining some life insurance? Why not find out what it would cost to protect your loved ones! Our life insurance specialist, Katie Fegley, is full of all sorts of knowledge. I can usually rattle off any question and she knows the answer. She just wasn't sure how I could get my boyfriend to up his life insurance and add me to it. Oh well. For a long time life insurance didn't mean much to me. I really didn't know what it all covered and thought it was something just for funerals. I also thought life insurance was just a big payout if your husband dies mysteriously...There are a lot of misconceptions about life insurance. A big myth is that life insurance is not available if you have a pre-existing condition. That is simply untrue. There is a life insurance plan out there for virtually anyone. We encourage people to check anyway, you’d be surprised at how affordable it can be! …………….
Even if you think there might not be something available for you, Katie our life specialist, and did I mention award winning agent, can find a plan that’s right for you! Maybe you already have a policy through work? Remember that generally you cannot take those with you should you leave your employer. 50% of people overestimate the total costs associated with life insurance. The best time is NOW! Katie is ready to provide you with a quote so you can find out how affordable it really is and worthwhile!
How life insurance can help protect your family financially:
Þ Pay for funeral costs
Þ Pay the bills
Þ Pay off outstanding debt, ie. mortgage, credit cards,
cars, student loans, etc.
Þ Continue a family business
Þ Finance your children's education
Þ Protect spouse’s retirement plans
Þ Tax saving purpose
Þ Source of Saving
Þ Peace of mind